The Oneida County Correctional Facility is comprised of numerous housing units. Some units contain between 12 and 40 barred cells aligned in rows, referred to a "Linear Housing." Other units are open dormitory-style, which house up to 20 inmates. The jail also has housing "pods" that hold up to 56 inmates. The classification and initial admission process determines which area an inmate will be placed.

Assignment to a housing area starts the process of inmate management, care, and control. A network involving a supervisor, trained line officers, specialty units, and civilians carries out and performs specific duties to ensure the safety and security of the facility and the public. Correctional employees provide a humane and sanitary environment for the inmates incarcerated at the Correction Facility.

In a Podular Direct Supervision facility, the housing units are divided into manageable units of 56 secure individual rooms, arranged around a central day room area. Here, the officers provide proactive supervision because they are assigned directly inside the housing unit with inmates who are not confined behind bars during the day. The absence of physical barriers between the inmates and officers places an emphasis on effective interpersonal communication, good visibility, and immediate response to negative behavior. Officers have an open view of all parts of the unit from a central vantage point.

Direct Supervision philosophy holds the inmate accountable for his/her behavior and the resulting consequences of misbehavior. Immediate changes in inmate and staff behavior emerge; the less restrictive environment increases visibility and reduces inmate and staff tension, resulting in fewer inmate problems, medical complaints, and reduced staff sick leave. Indestructible furnishings no longer challenge the inmate, which reduces vandalism and damage. The atmosphere communicates a non-threatening message. Inmates quickly realize that good behavior allows them this environment as a privilege. Negative behavior is immediately addressed and non-compliant inmates are removed to a more restrictive, traditional jail environment.